Manager 2023.5 Release Notes

August 9, 2023

With Manager 2023.5, we've added several time-saving options to help you review, edit, and manage your tests. This includes ability to edit defects from the Data Query window and a button to help you sync Jira integrations across all of your projects. We've also added security enhancements and bug fixes to improve your overall qTest experience.

Edit defects from Data Query

Make quick changes without disrupting your review process by directly editing defects from Data Query.

Edit defects in the same location where you view them.

Now, you can select any defect you want to edit in Data Query and edit it from a pop-up window, without ever navigating to a different page.

Learn more about defects views in Data Query.

Automatically update test run status from test steps

Simplify your test run executions by allowing your test run Status to automatically update to Passed or Failed based on the status of individual test steps.

Automatically update statuses in your test runs.

That means you can choose to fail a test run if a single test step is failed, or pass a test run if each individual step has passed. Maintain consistency between your overall test run and each individual test step, without spending any extra time to make sure everything matches up.

Don't worry, you can still manually override the automatic Status at any point.

You can turn on this feature in Test Execution Settings.

Expanded support for import templates

Updated qTest import templates to support XLSX, in addition to XLS.

Security updates

We performed some background changes to improve the overall security of qTest Manager.

Updated Jira integration syncing

If you ever need to force a sync between your Jira instance and qTest, now you can sync all of your projects with a single button. Whether you need to sync Jira integrations in one project or 100 projects, this can save you valuable time.

Once you've set up each Jira integration for your projects, administrators can use Sync Jira Connections to force a sync for defects, requirements, and releases for every project you have connected to Jira.

Learn how to sync your Jira integrations.

Bug fixes

Ticket # Component Description
CS0370943 qTest - API The GET /api/v3/projects/{projectId}/test-runs/{testRunId}/test-logs/last-run, GET /api/v3/projects/{projectId}/test-runs/{testRunId}/test-logs/{id}, and GET /api/v3/projects/{projectId}/test-runs/{testRunId}/test-logs API calls now retrieve updated parameter values for test runs.
CS0375905 qTest - API The POST /api/v3/projects/{projectId}/test-cases and PUT /api/v3/projects/{projectId}/test-cases/update/testcases calls no longer return an error when creating test cases with custom columns that have empty combo boxes.
qTest - API You can now consistently update test runs with the PUT /api/v3/projects/{projectId}/test-runs/{testRunId} call.
CS0384422 qTest - Manager Removed duplicate Test Case Id field from the Export Test Run window.
CS0377633, CS0377633, CS0354994 qTest - Manager Improved handling of site templates with many field values.
CS0351737 Jira integration The status of a defect in Jira now correctly syncs with the Defect Summary tab in qTest.
CS0378571 qTest - Site Administration Data query conditions no longer change from OR to AND after saving the query.
N/A qTest - Site Administration If you remove a project from a custom group, it no longer incorrectly adds the users from that custom group as project admins.
CS0382109 qTest - Manager

The Execution Date filter in Test Execution now displays the correct date range.

CS0382567 qTest - API Added performance improvements for the GET Modules API.
N/A Vera Integration qTest users can no longer approve a Tosca test case with Vera pre-execution approval enabled.
N/A qTest Updated licensing information on our Resources page.
N/A Requirements Hyperlinks in the Requirement description now open in a new tab if the New Tab option is selected in the Open in field.
N/A Requirements Hyperlinks on the History tab of a Requirement are now navigable.
N/A Export Reports, Requirements The Requirements Detail Report now correctly exports all requirements, even with empty modules.
N/A qTest - API The POST Histories API call now correctly returns the history for custom properties.
N/A qTest - Pulse Added more error handling logic to cover recently escalated scenarios.
N/A qTest The timestamp for a test run's Planned Start Date and Planned End Date now displays on the History tab.

Known issue

Parameter values not sent to Vera

When a test run is routed from qTest to Vera, qTest only sends the parameter name, not the parameter values.