Information file for the AL project

The information file that is generated when you create an AL project (see chapter "AutoLoader Project Provider") contains the parameters and the settings that were configured in the AL Project Provider. The following example gives an overview of the structure of this file.

Information file

AL Project Settings


Name: Project1

Built with Version: 1.7.1

Build Date: 10/28/2011 10:37:59 AM

Description: Text

Language: en-US

Write Log File: Yes

Use Time in Log File Name: Yes

Log Path: .\logs

Trace Level: Information



Tricentis TDM Studio Project Settings


Name: ALProjekt

Creator: Tricentis TDM User

Title: AutoLoader project

Description: Project text

Output Path: .\output



Task Settings


Selected task count: 2


Task 1

Name: Task1

Creator: Tricentis User

Title: Task title1

Description: Task text

Output Path:


Task 2

Name: Task2

Creator: Tricentis User

Title: Task title2

Description: Task text

Output Path: .\output_task2