Create reports from virtual folders

You can automatically create Report Definitions, Dataset Definitions, and Designer Definitions from report a virtual folder. In this case, the object type used for the report is copied from the parent object of the virtual folder. The TQL query and the sorting are transferred from the virtual folder. The report shows the result of the virtual folder's TQL query.


If you want to create a report from a virtual folder, make sure that the virtual folder properties Query and DefaultColumns contain values.

Tricentis Tosca automatically populates the Value of DefaultColumns when you add, remove or relocate a column with the ColumnChooser. The system transfers any column names or widths specified in the DefaultColumns property to your report.

The DefaultColumns value is specified as follows:

<Column name 1>:<Column width>;<Column name 2>:<Column width>

Changing the width in the DefaultColumns property will change the width of the corresponding column in the Details tab.

Virtual folder DefaultColumns property

To add a Value for the Query property, click the icon to open the Enter TQL-Query window. Enter a TQL Query, and select OK.

Query property

Create a report

To create a report from a virtual folder, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click the virtual folder and select Create Report from virtual folder from the mini toolbar.

    Tosca automatically creates a GeneratedReports folder in the Reporting folder. This folder contains a Report Definition, a Dataset Definition, and a Designer Definition.

  2. Design your report by right-clicking Report Definition and selecting Design Report... from the context menu.

  3. Print your report by right-clicking on the GeneratedReports folder and selecting Print Report... from the context menu. If your GeneratedReports folder contains multiple Report Definitions, select the definition for which you want to print a report.

    The Print Report... option is available as soon as the GeneratedReports folder is created.

  4. The Print Options window opens. Specify your desired printing options, and click Start to print the report.