Options - TestCaseDesign


Allows to activate or deactivate Tosca TestCase-Design AddIn (see chapter "Activate/deactivate the TestCase-Design AddIn"). This setting is enabled by default.


Allows to activate or deactivate the automatic assigning of XL paths when a Testsheet is linked to a TestCaseTemplate. This setting is enabled by default.


This setting allows a warning message to be displayed if ambiguous (not matching) names are found when assigning XL paths to the TestStepValues. The default setting is True.

navigation columns

This setting defines how many columns of instances are displayed per page in the details view. To the right or left of the instance title, the arrows allow navigating through the pages. If the value is 0, the option is deactivated (by default).

Hide EmbeddedScrollArea
navigation columns

If enabled, inoperable navigation columns are hidden (default setting). If disabled, all navigation columns are displayed. Inoperable navigation columns are then displayed in gray.

Highlight not used instances in selection combobox

If enabled, values which have not been considered for an instance coverage yet are displayed in a drop down list in bold print (details view).

Enable EMPTY-Instances

If this setting is enabled, instances which represent an empty string can be created.

Enable NULL-Instances

If this setting is enabled, instances which represent a zero value can be created.

Propagate instance names

This setting is relevant to the automated naming of instances along with Linear Expansion.

If this setting is enabled, each instance is named after an attribute instance that is not a straight through. The first instance, the straight through itself, is named StraightThrough.

If an instance deviates in more than one forms from the straight through, then the name of the inital object is used and consecutively numbered.

Inner Values enabled

If this setting is enabled, the Inner Values functions are available (see table "Work with Inner Values").

Enable TestDataManagement integration

This setting is used with test data management (see chapter "Test Data Management in TestCase-Design"). You can either enable or disable that test data are managed from a test data repository. Alternatively the key combination Shift + F9 can be used.

Max. number of TDM columns

This setting is used with test data management (see chapter "Test Data Management in TestCase-Design"). It specifies the number of test data columns to be shown by instance. All data is shown if the value of this setting is set to -1.

Replace XL References with TD Expressions

This setting is used with test data management. If enabled, TD links will automatically be created under certain circumstances and as soon as TDM is linked with TestCase-Design (see chapter "Creating TDM links using drag & drop").

Show multiline InstanceValues

If this setting is enabled, the values of instances are shown across several lines.

Show Relation Hints

If this option is enabled, Tosca shows hints for the relation function (see chapter "Create Instances using relations").