Salesforce Scanner

The Salesforce Scanner allows you to one-click scan a complete Salesforce site and create Modules from them.

You can use all Salesforce Engine 3.0 controls with the Salesforce Scanner.


To use the Salesforce Scanner, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • You have valid Salesforce credentials.

  • You have the necessary permissions for your Salesforce instance. You need the profile and permission to read and access metadata API calls from the Salesforce SOAP API: API Enabled and Modify All Data.

  • The machine on which you run Tosca Commander is within the trusted IP range. If it isn't, you need a valid Salesforce security token.

Scan Salesforce applications

To perform the scan, follow the steps below:

  1. In Tosca Commander, go to the Modules menu and click Scan->More->Salesforce Scan.

    Alternatively, right-click the Modules folder and select Scan->More->Salesforce Scan from the context menu.

  1. In the subsequent dialog, enter your Salesforce credentials. The security token is only optional if the machine on which you run Tosca Commander is within the trusted IP range.

  2. For Environment, select either Production or Test depending on which you want to scan.

  3. Click OK.

  1. In the subsequent Select Modules dialog, select the Salesforce objects that you want to include in your scan.

  2. Click Scan.

The Salesforce Engine 3.0 then performs the following actions:

  • It connects to your Salesforce site via the Salesforce SOAP API.

  • It scans your applications and builds the layout for the Module structures.

  • It creates Modules for all Salesforce controls it can access via the API.

  • It saves the newly created Modules into the Modules folder.

Salesforce Modules

Link type controls in read only Details view appear as both links and labels for compatibility reasons. Using the labels is suggested as you can use the click operation {CLICK} on the labels to navigate the link.

You can now use these Modules in your TestCases.

If you want to automatically log into your Salesforce instance during testing, ensure that you create a TestStep from the Login I Salesforce Module (use this Module to log in to your Salesforce site).

If you want to navigate your Salesforce instance during testing, ensure that you create a TestStep from the Navigation I Salesforce->App Launcher I Lightning Modules.

Rescan Salesforce Modules

If you modify your Salesforce instance during or after the scanning process, you can rescan your Modules.

In Tosca Commander, right-click the respective Salesforce Module(s) and select Rescan from the context menu. Tricentis recommends this option as Salesforce Scanner should be used only for initial module creation.