Enable CICS

This is an API & OSV Early Access feature. It was developed for demo purposes and requires increased configuration effort.

You can enable Customer Information Control System (CICS) for Tosca OSV. This allows you to create a service port for a CICS transaction gateway and to work with copybook messages.

Enable CICS for OSV

To enable CICS for OSV, you have to adapt the file Tricentis.OSV.Monitor.exe.config which requires administrator rights.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the file <Tosca OSV program files>\Tricentis.OSV.Core.dll.config.

  2. Change the value of the setting EnableCics to True.

Enable CICS in Tosca Commander

Once you have enabled CICS and configured the service port, you can record copybook messages in OSV.

If you want to use your copybooks in Tosca Commander, for instance to create Module Attributes, you have to enable CICS protocol in the API Engine as well.

The following chapters provide detailed information on how to: