Optional configurations for Distributed Execution with AOS

If you use Distributed Execution with AOS (Automation Object Service), you can set the following optional configurations for the Automation Object Service:

Configure connection retry interval between the Automation Object Service and the workspace

After you execute a TestEvent in Tosca Commander, the Automation Object Service first accesses the workspace. If this fails, the Automation Object Service tries to connect to the workspace once more.

To configure the time interval between the initial attempt and the retry attempt, follow the steps below:

  1. Check in Windows Task Manager if the process Tricentis.ToscaAutomationObjectService.TcApiExecutor.exe is running. If it is, stop it.

  2. Open the file Tricentis.ToscaAutomationObjectService.TcApiExecutor.exe.config. By default, this is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\TRICENTIS\Tosca Server\AutomationObjectService.

  3. Navigate to the applicationSettings section.

  4. Enter a new value for WaitTimeInMsForOpenWsRetry to define the time interval between the initial attempt and the retry attempt in milliseconds (ms). The default value is 90000 (ninety seconds).

Example: retry interval is 10000 ms


<setting name="WaitTimeInMsForOpenWsRetry" serializeAs="String">





Configure timeout period to check out the test results folder

To save test results, the Automation Object Service needs to check out the test results folder. If another service has already checked out the folder, e.g. the ToscaCIClient, the Automation Object Service cannot check it out. In this case, the Automation Object Service tries to check out the folder until the defined timeout period has expired.

To configure the timeout period, follow the steps below:

  1. Check in Windows Task Manager if the process Tricentis.ToscaAutomationObjectService.TcApiExecutor.exe is running. If it is, stop it.

  2. Open the file Tricentis.ToscaAutomationObjectService.TcApiExecutor.exe.config. By default, this is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\TRICENTIS\Tosca Server\AutomationObjectService.

  3. Navigate to the applicationSettings section.

  4. Enter a new value for MaxWaitForCheckout to define the timeout period in milliseconds (ms). The default value is 600000.

If the Automation Object Service cannot check out the test results folder within this timeout period, or it cannot connect to the workspace within the connection retry interval that you specified, it saves the test results to the hard drive. When the AOS restarts, it tries to save the test results to the common repository again. The timeout period for this retry attempt is the same that you set in the MaxWaitForCheckout setting.

Example: timeout period is 1000000 ms



<setting name="MaxWaitForCheckout" serializeAs="String">




Configure the Automation Object Service to work with multiple workspaces

For more information on how to configure the Automation Object Service to work with multiple workspaces, see chapter "Configure Distributed Execution with AOS for multiple common repositories (optional)".