Execute TestCases

This chapter describes how invited testers can execute TestCases in their assigned tests. TestCases are executed via the standalone application, which is referred to as the Interactive Testing Agent.

To execute TestCases, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Interactive Testing Agent.

  2. Click the  Start Testing icon in the Session briefing view to execute the first of your assigned TestCases.

    The Execution view opens and lists the TestSteps and TestStepValues of your scenario.

  3. To set the result of a TestStep or TestStep Value, select it and click on  Set Passed or  Set Failed by the TestStep or TestStep Value, or in the Interactive Testing Agent ribbon menu.

  4. Set Passed in the Interactive Testing Agent

    The test result you set for a TestStep is also indicated by a colored status bar on the left side of the Interactive Testing Agent window.

    Result status bar in the Interactive Testing Agent

  1. Optionally, you can add a comment to a TestStep or TestStep Value after you have set the result for it.

  2. Optionally, you can attach one or multiple files to the TestCase or record interactions for TestSteps and TestStep Values.

  3. Optionally, you can click the Reset icon to reset the results, delete comments of the TestSteps in the TestCase.

    If you click  Reset or Cancel, you cannot reload your earlier set TestCase or TestStep results.

  4. Once you have set a result for all TestSteps, click Save and Next to save your results to the Interactive Testing Server and continue to your next assigned TestCase. If you don't have more assigned TestCases, you continue to the Session Briefing view.

    Alternatively, you can save your results to the Interactive Testing Server by clicking the Save to Server ribbon menu item.

Copy the text of TestStep Values

For a more convenient testing experience, you can copy the text of TestStepValues and paste them anywhere. This way, you don't have to manually copy long texts, for example, URLs.

To do so, select the text of the TestStepValue, then use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C to copy, then Ctrl+V to paste the text.

Alternatively, you can right-click on the selected text, then select Copy from the options. Use the same method to paste the text to the desired place.