Prepare the workspace

This chapter explains how to prepare your workspace for Tosca Continuous Integration for one of the following types of execution:

For information on how to prepare your workspace for execution with Tosca Distributed Execution, see chapter "Create and execute TestEvents".

Prepare the Remote or build server workspace

In order to prepare your workspace, you need to perform the following actions:

You can also add additional identifiers, i.e. properties, to your ExecutionLists. These properties will later allow you to limit the execution to particular ExecutionLists for individual test runs.

The following chapters contain detailed information on how to perform each of these actions.

Label ExecutionLists

Label the ExecutionLists containing your Tosca Continuous Integration tests, so the system knows what to execute.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. If you are working in a multi-user workspace, checkout the project root element.

  2. Select the project root element and open the Properties definition tab.

  3. Right-click ExecutionList and select Create Property from the mini toolbar.

Create a new property for ExecutionList

  1. Rename the newly created property to ContinuousIntegration.

  2. Enable the Visible checkbox.

ContinuousIntegration property for all ExecutionLists

Tosca Commander automatically adds the property ContinuousIntegration to all existing ExecutionLists. It will also add this property to any ExecutionLists you create later.

  1. In every ExecutionList that contains Tosca Continuous Integration tests, set the property Value to True.

Property ContinuousIntegration set to True for Sample ExecutionList

By default, the system executes all ExecutionLists whose property ContinuousIntegration you have set to True.

Define the results folder

You also have to define the folder in which the system should save the execution results. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. If you are working in a multi-user workspace, checkout the project root element.

  2. Select the project root element and open the Properties Definition tab.

  3. Right-click Folder and select Create Property from the mini toolbar.

Create a new property for Folder

  1. Rename the newly created property to ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder.

  2. Enable the Visible checkbox.

ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder property for all ExecutionLists folders

Tosca Commander automatically adds the property ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder to all existing ExecutionLists folders. It will also add this property to any ExecutionLists folders you create later.

  1. In the ExecutionLists folder that should contain your test results, set the property Value to True.

Property ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder set to True for Sample results folder

As soon as the system finishes a test run, it automatically creates a folder containing the test results in the folder directory. At the same time, Tosca Commander creates a TestMandate and links it to the executed ExecutionEntries.

Results from multiple test runs in Sample results folder

If you want to save your results to a different ExecutionLists folder, delete the value True from the current results folder and add it to the intended results folder instead. From this point on, the system saves the results of all your test runs to the directory of the new ExecutionLists folder.

Switch results folders between test runs

If you have multiple ExecutionLists folders and want to use a different results folder for each test run, follow the steps below:

  1. In each ExecutionLists folder, enter a different Value for the property ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder. This value can be any string.

    For example, you can enter the following values:

    • The ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder value Monday for ExecutionLists folder 1

    • The ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder value Tuesday for ExecutionLists folder 2

    • The ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder value Wednesday for ExecutionLists folder 3

  2. In the XML file that defines your test filters, enter the value of the results folder you want to use for this particular test run in the setting buildrootfolder.

    For example, enter the value Wednesday as the value for the setting buildrootfolder.

    Once you execute your tests, the system saves the results of this test run to ExecutionLists folder 3.

  3. If you want to use a different results folder in the next test run, change the value for the setting buildrootfolder to, for example, Monday. The system then saves the results of the next test run to ExecutionLists folder 1.

Add additional identifiers to ExecutionLists

By default, the system executes all ExecutionLists whose property ContinuousIntegration you have set to True.

You can create additional identifiers, i.e. properties, to classify your ExecutionLists. These properties allow you to limit the execution to particular ExecutionLists for individual test runs.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new property for your ExecutionLists in the Properties definition tab of the project root element (see above).

  2. Rename the new property and add an appropriate value to create a useful identifier for your ExecutionLists.

    For instance, you could use the following properties:

    • A property named ExecutionType that divides your ExecutionLists into certain test categories. In each ExecutionList that is part of a category, enter the name of the category into the property value.

    • A property named SmokeTests. Enter the property value True in each ExecutionList that contains smoke tests.

    You can create and add multiple identifiers for each ExecutionList.

Continuous Integration ExecutionList with identifying properties ExecutionType and SmokeTests

  1. Once you have added your properties in Tosca Commander, you need to create an XML file and define which properties to filter for in the next test run. For more information, see chapter "Define which tests to execute" and chapter "Properties for remote or local execution".