Configure the Mobile Scan for devices in Perfecto

You can scan native applications with the Mobile Scan in Perfecto.

You can't use the Mobile Engine 3.0 to scan mobile web and hybrid applications in Perfecto.

To scan an application in Perfecto, follow the steps below:

  1. Start the Mobile Scan.

  2. In the Mobile Scan window, click Add device.

  3. In the subsequent Add device window, click Add new.

  4. In the Add connection window, enter the following information:



Enter a name for your connection

Enter a custom name for your Perfecto connection.

The Mobile Engine 3.0 uses this name as a mobile configuration name under the node Mobile->Connections.

Choose the type of your connection

From the drop-down menu, select Perfecto.

Enter the Appium Server address

Enter the address of the Perfecto Appium server which by default is https://<your host>

Replace <your host> with your own host.

Access Key

Enter the security token for your Perfecto account.

Add connection window with sample Perfecto account details

  1. Click Add.

  2. In the Add device window, enter a custom name for your Perfecto device into the Enter a name for your device field.

    The Mobile Engine 3.0 uses this name as a mobile configuration name under the node Mobile->Connections.

  3. Into the Enter the device ID field, enter your Perfecto Device ID, which you can find in your Perfecto account.

  4. Click Add and continue the scan starting from point 6 as described in chapter "Start the Mobile Scan and connect".

    To scan iOS applications in Perfecto, you must provide both the IPA file path and the Bundle ID. For detailed information on how to do so, see this Tricentis Knowledge Base article.

By default, Mobile Engine 3.0 checks controls visibility for local test automation and it skips the visibility check for test automation in the supported clouds.

You can enable or disable the visibility check depending on your mobile application and performance requirements.

Tricentis recommends disabling the visibility check if you run your tests in the clouds that are not supported.

To enable or disable the visibility check only for test execution, create the TCP SkipVisibilityCheck and set its value to True or False depending on whether you want to skip the visibility check or not.

To enable or disable the visibility check for both the Mobile Scan and test execution, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to C:\ProgramData\TRICENTIS\TOSCA Testsuite\7.0.0\Settings\XML and open the file Settings.xml.

  2. Under <Category name="Mobile30">, add the following line of code before the closing tag:

    <Setting name="Automation.Mobile30.SkipVisibilityCheck" legacyPath="Automation.Mobile30.SkipVisibilityCheck">False</Setting>

  3. Set the value of this setting to True or False depending on whether you want to skip the visibility check or not.

  4. Restart Tricentis Tosca.

Connect to Perfecto using Advanced Configuration

Alternatively, you can connect to Perfecto using Advanced Configuration. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a comma-separated value (CSV) configuration file with keys and values that correspond to test configuration parameters you use for mobile test automation in Perfecto.

    The following code table is an example of a .conf file that configures a connection to Perfecto:

  1. Start the Mobile Scan.

  2. In the Mobile Scan window, click Advanced Configuration.

  3. On the left side of the Advanced Configuration window, select your Perfecto configuration. The right side displays a preview of your .conf file.

Advanced configuration window with Perfecto credentials

  1. Click Add and continue the scan starting from point 6 as described in chapter "Start the Mobile Scan and connect".