Open and edit attached files

You can manually add file attachments to test objects (see chapter "Add attachments").

This chapter describes how to open and edit these files in Tosca Commander:

For information on how to edit attached files that you store on Tricentis File Service, see chapter "Edit files that you store in Tricentis File Service".

Open attached files

To open an attached file in Tosca Commander, double-click the attachment.

Alternatively, right-click the attachment and select one of the following context menu options:

  • Open to open the file with the default application.

  • Open with ... to choose a particular application.

Edit embedded files

Embedded files are files that you store directly in Tosca Commander (see chapter "Embed files").

You can edit embedded files in one of the following ways:

  • Open and edit them directly in Tosca Commander.

  • Take them offline and edit them. This option creates a local copy of the embedded file. You edit the local copy, which leaves Tosca Commander free for other work.

Open and edit embedded files in Tosca Commander

To edit an embedded file in Tosca Commander, follow these steps:

  1. If you work in a multi-user environment, check out the attached file you want to edit.

  2. Open the file in Tosca Commander.

  3. Edit and save the file. This modifies the file that's embedded in Tosca Commander, not the original file that you embedded.

  4. Save your changes in Tosca Commander. In multi-user environments, this makes the changes visible to other users.

  5. Check in the attachment. This allows other users to edit the changed file.

Take embedded files offline and edit them

To take an embedded file offline to edit, follow the steps below:

  1. If you work in a multi-user environment, check out the attached file you want to edit.

  2. Right-click the file and select one of the following context menu options:

    • Take offline and edit to open the file with the default application.

    • Take offline and edit with ... to choose a particular application.

  3. In the subsequent dialog, choose where to save the offline file and click OK.

    Tricentis Tosca then performs the following actions:

    • It opens the file.

    • It marks the attachment with an exclamation mark, to indicate that it's offline.

Embedded attachment is offline

  1. Edit the file and save the file. This modifies the offline copy of the file, not the embedded file.

  2. You can stop editing at any point and resume later. To resume editing, perform one of the following actions:

    • Edit the file directly, in the offline storage location that you specified in step 3.

    • In Tosca Commander, right-click the attachment and select Edit offline document from the context menu.

  3. Once your edits are complete, update the test object with the modified attachment. To do so, right-click the attachment and select Bring online from the context menu.

    In multi-user environments, this makes the changes visible to other users.

    Alternatively, you can discard all offline changes and bring the original version of the attachment back online. To do so, right-click the attachment and select Cancel editing file offline from the context menu.

  1. Check in the attachment. This allows other users to edit the changed file.

Edit referenced files

Referenced files are files that you don't store in the workspace itself. Instead, the test object in Tosca Commander only points to the file location (see chapter "Create file references").

Since there is no actual file in Tosca Commander, only the reference, a checkout doesn't block other users from editing the same file. Make sure to coordinate with other users.

To edit a referenced file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the file in Tosca Commander.

  2. Edit and save the file.

    In multi-user environments, saving makes the changes visible to other users.