Defects Opened vs Closed Report

The Defects Opened vs Closed report displays the number of Defects that were opened in a given period of time compared with the number of Defects that were closed in the same period. This report can help you determine the rate at which Defects are being opened compared with the rate at which Defects are being closed. Following are the Defect statuses that are included in each measure.

  • Opened. New, Assigned, Reopened, Blocked

  • Closed. Resolved, Closed, Canceled

The number of Defects displays on the y-axis, and the dates in the selected date range display on the x-axis. Closed Defects display as a green line, and opened Defects display as a red line. To define a date range for the data, select a date range value in the Date Range field.

The data on the Defects Opened vs Closed report can be filtered by source, Project name, affected Release, target Release, fixed Release, and folder name. For more information about filtering reports, refer to Report filters.

If multiple Releases are selected in the Releases filters and the Releases overlap dates, the Defects Opened vs Closed report displays aggregated Defects from the selected Releases.