What's a Bot?

A Bot is a sequence of actions that you want to perform. These actions are called Steps. Each Step is an automated task that you would otherwise do manually.

Anatomy of a Bot

A Bot consists of Steps. Bot Steps can be very simple, for instance opening a URL. They can also be more complex, such as checking numbers in an Excel sheet.

Let's say you run a department in an insurance company. Your department is in charge of processing incoming insurance applications. Your staff opens a web interface, which contains the claim, and checks for the vehicle type. Depending on the vehicle type, they fill out a specific form and generate a quote. This quote is then saved.

A Bot can automate this entire process with a series of Steps. The gray lines indicate the Bot workflow, i.e. the sequence in which the Bot performs the defined Steps.

Flowchart view of a Bot in RPA Studio

You can see simple, individual Steps, such as Login, which prompts the Bot to log in to the web interface with the user credentials you specify. The parallel element in the middle does the following things:

  • It prompts the Bot to check for the content of a specific field in the insurance application that the customer sends.

  • Depending on the content - Automobile, Motorcycle, or Camper - the Bot performs certain follow-up Steps.

At the end, a few more Steps trigger the log-out and close the tab.

What's next?

Now that you understand what a Bot is, it's time to get to know your work environment.

Or you can go straight to creating a new Bot.

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Tricentis RPA Studio Manual 2020.2 © Tricentis GmbH