The RPA subset

RPA Studio provides a subset with Modules that you can use for your Bots. These Modules are prepared special tasks that you can adapt to your needs (see "Use Modules").

RPA Studio automatically imports the subset during the creation of a workspace (see the Admin Guide section of the manual). You can also manually import subsets.

For a detailed list of all Modules in the subset, see "Modules in the RPA subset".

Import subsets manually

After a standard installation of RPA Studio, the subset file RPA_StandardSubset.rsu is located at C:\RPA_Projects\RPAStudio.

You can also import a different subset, provided that this subset has the file extension .rsu.

To import a subset, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click an RPA folder and select Import Subset from the context menu.

  2. In the subsequent dialog, select the subset and click Open.

Create and export subsets

You can also create your own subsets via export. When you export an object, RPA Studio exports the selected object as well as all connected objects.

For instance, if you select a Bot, RPA Studio exports the Bot and all Modules that you used to create it.

RPA Studio does not export configuration parameters that you created for the project root element.

To export, right-click the respective object(s) and select Export Subset from the context menu.

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Tricentis RPA Studio Manual 2020.2 © Tricentis GmbH