Use custom configuration parameter values

You can use the same Bots over and over, but with different values. To do so, you need to create configuration parameters for your Bot (see "Create a configuration parameter").

To use the value of a custom configuration parameter in your Bot, enter the syntax {CP[<name of parameter>]}.

Open a specific online form

At run-time, RPA Studio reads the saved value and uses it in the Steps you have specified.

In this example, you want to run three Bots. These Bots all perform the same Steps.

The only difference is that each Bot should log in to your application with different user credentials.

To that end, you have created custom configuration parameters for the folder that contains the three Bots:

Example folder with three different user credentials

Now you want to specify which Bot should use which user credentials.

To do so, fill out the Step Values for each Bot with the respective parameter information.

For instance, Sample Bot 1 uses the credentials specified in the custom configuration parameters Username1 and Password1:

Sample Bot 1: Using the values stored in configuration parameters

At run-time, the Bot uses the value that you saved to the respective parameter and enters it into your application's login screen.

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