Test RFC Destinations
An RFC Destination in the Administration hierarchy may be tested to determine whether it will work as expected when used in LiveCompare apps and workflows. The tests check whether:
- The RFC Destination’s SAP system can be accessed.
- The SAP system includes the correct LiveCompare core transports.
- The SAP user account associated with the RFC Destination has the correct authorizations.
The SAP system is Unicode or non-Unicode. The internal definition of the RFC Destination is adjusted if required.
The ABAP Unit Tests transport has been installed (if required for this SAP kernel release).
To test an RFC Destination, select it in the Administration/RFC Destinations folder and click ‘Test’ in the RFC Destination’s Connection tab. Alternatively, choose ‘Test Connection’ from the RFC Destination’s hierarchy context menu. The Test Connection screen is displayed.
This window has the following sections:
Connection Status
The first section indicates whether LiveCompare was able to connect to the SAP system associated with the RFC Destination. If the connection test failed, the error message returned by SAP is displayed.
If the connection test was successful, the Components section lists the LiveCompare components that are expected to be found on the SAP system. If any components are missing, the corresponding table row is highlighted in yellow.
Component | Description |
Core | LiveCompare’s core components. |
AUT | The ABAP Unit Tests transport (if required for this SAP kernel release). |
BW | LiveCompare’s BW transports. |
HR | LiveCompare’s HR transports. |
The STATUS column is set to:
Found if the correct version of the component was found.
Incompatible if the component was found, but it has an incompatible version.
Missing if the component could not be found.
Uninstalled if a BW or HR component has been uninstalled.
Required Authorizations
If the connection test was successful, the Required Authorizations section lists the authorizations that the SAP user account associated with the RFC Destination is expected to have. Missing authorizations are highlighted in yellow. Note that not all the listed authorizations may be required. For example, BW authorizations are not required on non-BW systems.
User Authorizations
If the connection test was successful, the User Authorizations section lists the authorizations assigned to the SAP user account associated with the RFC Destination being tested.