Start the OSV Host

You can start the OSV Host, once you have installed it as described in chapter "Install Tosca OSV".

There are two ways to launch the OSV Host:

  • Double-click the OSV Host icon on your desktop.

  • Double-click the file <Tosca OSV program files>\Host\Tricentis.OSV.Host.exe.

Users with and without administrator rights

The OSV Host and HTTP service port components use the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) implementation of .NET and the HTTP protocol listener System.Net.HttpListener. HTTP requests are handled by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Stack (Http.sys).

This driver requires administrator rights. Therefore, Tricentis recommends that only users with administrator rights start the OSV Host.

Users without administrator rights in OSV have to reserve the URLs and ports for their user accounts before starting the OSV Host.

To do so, run a command prompt as administrator and enter the following command: netsh http add urlacl http://+:<OSV Host Port>/ user=<DOMAIN>\<user> listen=yes

Configure communication via HTTPS

You can configure an HTTPS connection between the OSV Host and the OSV Monitor. To do so, you need to configure an HTTPS service port in the OSV Monitor.

To configure communication via HTTPS, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the file <Tosca OSV program files>\Tricentis.OSV.Core.dll.config.

  2. Change the value of the setting UseSecureConnection to True for the OSV Host.

  3. Bind the fingerprint of the PFXfile (=certhash) certificate to the port defined in the HTTPS service port. To do so, use netsh in the command line as described below:

    • Add binding:
      netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=7eb35dff000ea90b72d46952e3016c8fad3213e1 appid={86476d42-f4f3-48f5-9367-ff60f2ed2cdd} clientcertnegotiation=disable

    • Delete binding:
      netsh http delete sslcert ipport=

    • Show binding:
      netsh http show sslcert ipport=

  4. Install the PFX file in the appropriate Windows certificate store (LocalMachine/My).

  5. Restart the OSV Host for your changes to take effect.

If you use an HTTPS connection, you have to modify the OSVHost property in Tosca Commander as described in chapter "Connect to OSV".