Steer Excel UI Engine 3.0

You can create Microsoft Excel UI Modules with Tosca XScan to steer Microsoft Excel.

To do so, right-click a Module folder or use the dynamic menu Modules in Tosca Commander, click  Scan and select Application. For more information on scanning, see chapter "Scan Modules".

Steer the Microsoft Excel main window

Excel UI Engine 3.0 allows you to steer the user interface in the Microsoft Excel main window. This UI consists of a basic set of controls (buttons, combo boxes, menus, etc.), which are handled in the standard way by Tosca TBox. For further details, see chapter "Steering Controls".

Steer Microsoft Excel worksheets

Excel UI Engine 3.0 also allows you to steer Microsoft Excel worksheets.

The Excel UI Engine 3.0 treats an entire worksheet as a single table, which you can steer as described in chapter "Table". Note the following:

    • The read-only row containing column letters, displayed in Excel above the first row of the worksheet, is included in the table and by default chapter "Scan tables".

    • The read-only column containing row numbers, displayed in Excel to the left of column A in the worksheet, is included in the table and by default chapter "Scan tables".

Steer embedded controls

Microsoft Excel provides two separate sets of controls which can be added to worksheets: Form Controls and ActiveX controls.

The table below lists all Excel controls that you can scan and steer withTosca.

Name of Excel control


Identified in XScan as


Form Control


Check Box

Form Control


Combo Box

Form Control


List Box

Form Control


Option Button

Form Control


Check Box

ActiveX Control


Combo Box

ActiveX Control


Command Button

ActiveX Control



ActiveX Control


List Box

ActiveX Control


Option Button

ActiveX Control


Text Box

ActiveX Control


Toggle Button

ActiveX Control


Spin Button

ActiveX Control


You can scan and steer WinForms controls embedded in worksheets using the DotNet Engine 3.0. To do so, right-click the Excel window in Tosca XScan and select DotNet from the engine list. For more information on scanning with Tosca XScan, see chapter "Navigate the Tosca XScan UI".

Toggle Button

XScan identifies an ActiveX Toggle Button as a standard Button control. You can steer it as described in chapter "Button".

The state of the Toggle Button is defined by the additional property Selected. You can use the following values:

  • True, if the Toggle Button is selected (on).

  • False, if the Toggle Button isn't selected (off).

In this example, you verify if a Toggle Button inside an Excel worksheet is currently selected. To do so, you verify if the Value of the property Selected is True.

Verify the state of a Toggle Button

Spin Button

Spin Button has two components: the up arrow and down arrow buttons. XScan can scan each component of an ActiveX Spin Button as an individual Button. You can steer them as described in chapter "Button".

Use the additional property SpinNumericButtonName to identify each of these components.

In this example, you verify if two buttons are part of the same Spin Button inside an Excel worksheet. You perform the following steps:

  • You verify if the property SpinNumericButtonName for Button Up is set to SpinButton1 Up.

  • You verify if the property SpinBumericButtonName for Button Down is set to SpinButton1 Down.

Verify if two buttons are part of the same Spin Button

Steer Microsoft Excel dialogs

Excel UI Engine 3.0 allows you to steer Microsoft Excel dialogs by creating a separate module for each dialog that you want to steer.

To steer Microsoft Excel dialogs, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the dialog window that you want to steer.

  2. From Tosca Commander, scan it with Tosca XScan as an application.