Options - RequirementsManagement

Options dialog




The Requirements Management AddIn can be enabled or disabled here. The modification takes effect after Tosca Commander™ is restarted. If this setting is disabled, Tosca Commander™ does not obtain a license for the Tosca Requirements Management AddIn at start. Thus, the Tosca Requirements Management AddIn is started in read-only mode.


The style sheet description for the import of requirements is defined here (see chapter "Import Requirements from Microsoft® Word"). The description is Überschrift by default.


Specifies whether the corresponding ExecutionList should be assigned when ExecutionEntries are linked with Requirements (see chapter "Link Requirements with ExecutionEntries").
The following options are available:

  • AskUser: The user is prompted with a dialog box to confirm whether the ExecutionList should be assigned.

  • AlwaysAdd: The related ExecutionList is assigned without any dialog box.

  • NeverAdd: The ExecutionList is not assigned.

Show Statistics

This setting specifies whether the statistics of the Coverage Specified (%), Coverage Executed (%), Execution State (%), TestCase Design Coverage % and Details columns are displayed and if the execution state icon should be displayed (see chapter "Determine the project state"). Alternatively you can display or hide statistics via the F11 key or the menu entry View->Requirements->Show Statistics.