Scan mobile applications in the cloud

With the Mobile Scan, you can scan your mobile applications on any cloud.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Start the Mobile Scan.

  2. Add a new device with the connection type Cloud (Appium).

  1. In the Mobile Scan, click Add app and provide the details for your application.

  2. Optionally, configure the Desired Capabilities that you need for your cloud connection. The connection parameters you need depend on the cloud that you want to use.

    For instance, if you want to protect your tokens or passwords with a key vault, configure it and add the required Desired Capabilities for it.

Advanced configuration Desired Capabilities example

  1. Click Add and continue the scan.

Enable or disable the control visibility check

By default, Mobile Engine 3.0 skips the visibility check for test automation in the cloud.

You can enable or disable the visibility check depending on your mobile application and performance requirements.

Tricentis recommends disabling the visibility check if you run your tests in a cloud.

To enable or disable the visibility check only for test execution, create the TCP SkipVisibilityCheck and set its value to True or False depending on whether you want to skip the visibility check or not.

To enable or disable the visibility check for both the Mobile Scan and test execution, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to C:\ProgramData\TRICENTIS\TOSCA Testsuite\7.0.0\Settings\XML and open the file Settings.xml.

  2. Under <Category name="Mobile30">, add the following line of code before the closing tag:

    <Setting name="Automation.Mobile30.SkipVisibilityCheck" legacyPath="Automation.Mobile30.SkipVisibilityCheck">False</Setting>

  3. Set the value of this setting to True or False depending on whether you want to skip the visibility check or not.

  4. Restart Tricentis Tosca.

Improve Mobile Scan performance

If you scan mobile applications in the clouds, Tricentis recommends to change the scanning mechanism to improve performance. This way, the Mobile Scan doesn't send multiple calls to the Appium server each time you select a new control.

To enable this setting, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to C:\ProgramData\TRICENTIS\TOSCA Testsuite\7.0.0\Settings\XML and open the Settings.xml file.

  2. Under <Category name=”Engines”>, add the following line of code before the closing tag:

    <Setting name="Automation.Engines.SingleUniqueChecks" legacyPath="Automation.Engines.SingleUniqueChecks">True</Setting>

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Restart Tricentis Tosca.