Work with execution results

Once you have run your ExecutionLists, you can analyze and process the results of your tests.

ExecutionList Demo Application after execution

In addition to your folder structure, ExecutionLists typically contain the following objects:




The ActualLog of an ExecutionList contains the current execution results of the ExecutionList as a whole. When you execute the ExecutionList again, Tricentis Tosca overwrites the log.


An ArchivedLog archives the latest test results from the ActualLog at the time you create it (see chapter "Archive your ActualLog").

ExecutionEntry, passed

The execution of this TestCase was successful.

ExecutionEntry, failed

The execution of this TestCase failed.

ExecutionEntries fail when the system under test does not behave as expected.

Typically, a failure indicates that Tricentis Tosca found an error in the system under test.

ExecutionEntry with an error

The execution of this TestCase returned an error.

ExecutionEntries return an error when an issue with the environment keeps Tricentis Tosca from completing the test. For instance, if you have misspelled a command or an exception occurs.

Typically, an error indicates a flaw in the TestCase or the environment.

ExecutionEntry with no result

This ExecutionEntry has not been executed. It was created from a TestCase with the TestCaseWorkState COMPLETED.


Every ExecutionEntry has its own TestCaseLog. This log contains the test results of the ExecutionEntry and its test state:

  • Passed:

  • Failed:

  • Error:

  • No result:

When you execute the ExecutionEntry again, Tricentis Tosca creates a new TestCaseLog.

Additionally, each TestCaseLog has an ExecutionSessionId parameter that contains the unique execution session identifier in the workspace. TestCaseLogs contain the same ExecutionSessionId if you execute one or more ExecutionLists in the same session.


Right-click on a TestCaseLogEntry to select one of the following options from the context menu:

  • Jump to TestStep to jump directly to the TestStep.

  • View TestStep in TestCase to jump to the TestCase that contains the TestStep and view the TestStep.


Available in multi-user workspaces only.

TestMandates allow several testers to execute the same tests simultaneously and independently. For more information, see chapter "Work with TestMandates".

Analyze and process execution results

Once you have run your ExecutionLists, you can process the results:

Need a hand with more insights into your execution results? Tosca Copilot is here to help! For more details, check out the Tosca Copilot documentation (opens in new tab).

If you use Tricentis Update Service, Tricentis Tosca automatically detects whether new updates are available when you run your ExecutionLists. If there are updates for the Engine that you use in your tests, Tricentis Tosca displays a message in the Detail column of your execution results.

To apply the new update package, shut down all your Tricentis services and open them again.