Migrate existing files to Tricentis File Service

Tricentis File Service is a web-based application that stores Tosca Commander files in a separate file system. Users can still access the files in their workspaces, but they don't take up its storage space. This keeps workspaces slim and improves their performance.

After you have set up Tricentis File Service, Tricentis Tosca automatically saves all new files that users create to Tricentis File Service. You only need to migrate your files manually in the following situations:

  • If you enable Tricentis File Service for an existing project that already has files in it. And you want to move those files to Tricentis File Service.

  • If the Tricentis File Service file system is out of disk space or temporarily unavailable. In this case, Tosca embeds the files in the workspace instead. Don't worry; you don't need to remember which embedded files you have to migrate.

What's in this topic?

This topic is for administrators. It has all the information you need to complete the following tasks: 

  • Understand the migration process.

  • Perform preparatory steps that clean up your workspace.

  • Migrate your files.

Understand the migration process

Take a moment to review the migration process. To have a successful migration, perform these steps:

  1. Prepare for the migration and make sure that your workspace is up-to-date and clean.

  2. Perform a test migration.

  3. Migrate your files.

Prepare for the migration

Before you migrate, make sure that your workspace is up-to-date and clean:

  1. Double-check your synchronization policies. Tricentis Tosca only migrates files that are included in the workspace.

  2. Search your workspace for lost objects and remove them. If you don't, Tricentis Tosca also moves lost object files to Tricentis File Service.

  3. Ensure that all users have checked in their changes.

  4. Update your workspace to get the changes.

    Alternatively, you can search for objects that are currently checked out and revoke the checkout. However, you lose all changes that the user who checked out the object has made to it.

    If you still want to proceed, use the following TQL query on the project root: ->AllOwnedSubItems[CheckOutState == "CheckedOut"]. Then, right-click the search results and select Revoke Checkout from the context menu.

  5. Check in your own changes.

Perform a test migration

Before you migrate your files in your production environment, you may want to do a test migration first.

We recommend that you create a backup of your database and test the migration on a test database first. If it's successful, perform the actual migration.

Migrate your files

You can migrate specific attachments, or you can migrate all attachments of the following objects:

To perform the migration, follow these steps:

  1. In Tosca Commander, right-click the object you want to migrate and select Migrate to FileService from the context menu. Tosca Commander checks out the object you selected.

    If you migrate your files because the Tricentis File Service file system ran out of disk space or was temporarily unavailable, we recommend that you trigger the migration from the project root element. Tosca automatically only migrates files that aren't in Tricentis File Service yet.

  2. Check in to upload the files to Tricentis File Service.

What's next

You have all initial data in Tricentis File Service. Now is a good time to create a backup.

Alternatively, familiarize yourself with the auto-removal functionality, which helps you to manage the file system's size without any manual intervention.