Edit your own Tricentis User Administration user account

Tricentis User Administration is a user management tool that allows administrators to define who has access. Administrators have multiple options for creating user accounts. You can change your account details, if needed.

What's in this topic?

This topic is for administrators and users. It has all the information you need to complete the following tasks: 

  • Understand what you can change.

  • Change your own user name and password.

Did you forget your password? Open Tricentis User Administration and click Forgot Password.

Understand what you can change

Tricentis User Administration has some restrictions when it comes to changing your credentials:

  • You can change your user name and password, but not your email address. If you want to change your email address, contact your administrator for what to do. Your next steps depend on how the administrator created your user account.

  • You can only change your user name and password if your administrator invited you to Tricentis User Administration or you registered yourself. If your administrator created your user account through other methods, you can't change your credentials at all in Tricentis User Administration.

Note that changing your user name doesn't affect the sign-in process. No matter which user name you have in Tricentis User Administration, you always sign in with your email address and password.

Change your account details

To change your own user name and/or password, follow these steps:

  1. Access Tricentis User Administration.

  2. This takes you to the My Account page. On this page, perform one of the following actions:

    • To change your user name, click into the name field and enter a new name.

    • To change your password, click Change Password and change your password in the subsequent dialog.

Change user name or password on your Tricentis User Administration account page

What's next

If you run API tests and need authentication, you can create an API access token while you're here.