Create Test Execution actions

Create Test Execution actions create test executions in the specified Pipeline’s Most-at-risk Hits Execution Test Repository, or in the specified Test Repository. Create Test Execution actions support ALM, qTest and Tosca Test Repositories.

Action property Description
Execution List Path

A String parameter or dataset that stores the path of an execution list to reuse when creating Tosca test executions, for example, Execution/MyTests/LiveCompare_2023-01-31 09:47:17/MyExecutionList.

If this path exists in the specified ALM or Tosca Test Repository, tests from the Source table are added to it if they do not already exist in the path.

If this path does not exist in the specified ALM or Tosca Test Repository, tests from the Source table are added to a new time-stamped folder in the Root Path.

Execution Name A String parameter or dataset that stores the name of the test execution to create. The test execution is created in a time-stamped folder named <Execution Name>_<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>. If this parameter is not set, a time-stamped name of the form LiveCompare_<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS> is used as the default. If a Pipeline is specified, the action uses the Execution Name set in the Pipeline.

A Pipeline parameter or dataset whose Most-at-risk Hits Execution Test Repositories provide the Test Repositories in which the test executions are to be created.

Result A Table dataset that stores details of the test executions created.
Root Path

A String parameter or dataset that stores the path of an existing folder in which to store the test execution, for example Execution/TestExecutions. If this property is not set, the test execution will be created in the default Executions folder. If a Pipeline is specified, the action uses the Execution Path set in the Pipeline.

Source A Table dataset that stores details of the test plans to be stored in the test execution. This property should be set to the Result dataset returned by the Search Test Repository action.
Test Repository A Test Repository parameter or dataset referring to the Test Repository in which the test execution is to be created. If both a Test Repository and Pipeline are specified, the action uses the specified Test Repository only.

The Source table should have the following columns:

Column Description
TOKEN The matching token from the Source table’s NAME column.
TEST_ID The ID of a matching test asset.
TEST_NAME The name of the test asset.
PATH The test asset’s path. Note that if a matched token contains path separators, these will be escaped and stored as \/ in the test path.

The Result dataset contains all the items in Execution List Path and any items that were added from the Source table. It has the following columns

Column Description
TEST_REPOSITORY The name of the Test Repository in which the test execution was created.
TEST_REPOSITORY_TYPE The type of the Test Repository in which the test execution was created.
TEST_LIST_ID The ID of the execution list being populated.
TEST_RUN_ID The ID of each entry in the execution list.
TEST_ID The ID of each test case referenced in the execution list.
TEST_NAME The name of each test case referenced in the execution list.

Execution List Path parameter

For ALM and Tosca Test Repositories, the Execution List Path parameter may be used to determine the location where the test executions will be created in the ALM or Tosca hierarchy. For example, this allows all the test executions created by LiveCompare to be stored in their own execution list folder. The following table shows the outcomes of various Execution List Path settings.

Execution list path Outcome
<empty> The default structure using the specified Execution Name and a timestamp is created in the /Executions folder. The /Executions folder must already exist.
Path to an execution list LiveCompare reuses the execution list. Execution entries are created only for test cases that are not already in the execution list.
Path to an Execution list folder LiveCompare creates a uniquely named execution list in the execution list folder, and then creates test executions in the execution list.
Path to a folder LiveCompare creates a uniquely named execution list folder, and then a uniquely named execution list. Note that the folder must be of a type that allows execution list folders to be created. If it isn’t, LiveCompare will create the default structure as described in the <empty> outcome.
Path to another kind of object LiveCompare will create the default structure as described in the <empty> outcome.

Execution List Configuration parameter

The Create Test Execution action may be used to associate one or more configuration items with the test execution that is created. This is done by carrying out the following steps:

  1. Use the Define Action Parameters Wizard to add a Table parameter named ExecutionListConfiguration to the action. The Wizard screen should include the following table entry:

Name Display Name In/Out Type
ExecutionListConfiguration Execution List Configuration In Table
  1. Add an Execution List Configuration parameter to your workflow and modify the table so it has a single nvarchar column named CONFIGURATION.

  2. Add one or more configuration items to the table, for example:

  • /Configurations/Environment1/TDS

  • /Configurations/Environment2/Url

Example (Pipeline)

Create Test Execution action example (Pipeline).

Example (Test Repository)

Create Test Execution action example (Test Repository).

Test repository integrations