Retrofit Transports Analysis app
The Retrofit Transports Analysis app analyzes a set of transports, and identifies the code and data from the transports that should be synchronized between two development systems so that the correct changes may be migrated to a QA system.
DevOps categories
The Retrofit Transports Analysis app uses Pipelines to identify the source and target development systems. Before running the app, you must create the following:
RFC Destinations for the source and target development systems.
A source Pipeline that has the source RFC Destination as its Analysis system.
A target Pipeline that has the target RFC Destination as its Analysis system.
Note that each Pipeline requires a Usage System, but these are not used by the Retrofit Transports Analysis app.
Run the app
To run the Retrofit Transports Analysis app, select the app from the Apps screen and create an app variant. Complete the variant screen as follows:
Set the ‘Source Pipeline’ field to the Pipeline that has the source RFC Destination as its Analysis system.
Set the ‘Target Pipeline’ field to the Pipeline that has the target RFC Destination as its Analysis system.
Edit the ‘Tasks to Analyze’ table to provide the set of transports to analyze.
Click ‘Run’. When the variant has completed, its results may be accessed from the App Cockpit screen.
App results
The Retrofit Transports Analysis app generates the following reports:
Retrofit Transports Analysis Dashboard
The Retrofit Transports Analysis app generates a Dashboard which includes the following charts:
The Comparisons by Status column chart summarizes the comparison status of the released tasks. The In1 column refers to released tasks that are in the source system only.
The Changes by Type pie chart summarizes the changing objects in the released tasks, grouped by their object type.
The Source Changes by Owner column chart summarizes the released tasks on the source system, grouped by their owner.
The Target Changes by Owner column chart summarizes the released tasks on the target system, grouped by their owner.
Dashboard tiles display the date when the analysis was run, the source system’s RFC Destination and system ID, the target system’s RFC Destination and system ID, and the start date specified for the analysis.
The Dashboard’s Additional Resources section includes a link to the following Excel reports:
Retrofit Details
The Retrofit Details Excel report includes the following spreadsheets:
This spreadsheet includes the following charts:
The Comparisons by Status column chart summarizes the comparison status of the released tasks. The In1 column refers to released tasks that are in the source system only.
The Changes by Type pie chart summarizes the changing objects in the released tasks, grouped by their object type.
The Source Changes by Owner column chart summarizes the released tasks on the source system, grouped by their owner.
The Source Changes by Owner column chart summarizes the released tasks on the source system, grouped the owner of the associated task on the source system.
The Target Changes by Owner column chart summarizes the released tasks on the target system, grouped the owner of the associated task on the source system.
Dashboard tiles display the when the analysis was run, the start date for the analysis, the source system’s RFC Destination and system ID, and the target system’s RFC Destination and system ID.
This spreadsheet lists the comparison details for the objects in the released tasks on the source and target systems. It has the following columns:
The most recent task that references a changing object on the source system.
The type of the changing object. Click a cell in this column to display the change history for the selected object.
The name of the changing object. Click a link in this column to display comparison details for the selected object on the source and target systems. Click the cell’s background to display the change history for the selected object.
The owner of the source task.
The date and time when the source task was last modified on the source system.
The comparison status for the object on the source and target systems, either Same, Different or In1. In1 means that the object exists in the source system only.
The most recent task that references a changing object on the source system.
The type of the changing object. Click a cell in this column to display the change history for the selected object.
The name of the changing object. Click a cell in this column to display the change history for the selected object.
The owner of the target task.
The date and time when the target task was last modified on the target system.
Change History
This spreadsheet includes each changing object’s change history on the source and target systems. It is grouped by object name, and then by each object’s modification date and time in descending order. The spreadsheet has following columns:
The name of the RFC Destination in which an object was modified.
The date and time when the object was modified.
The request associated with the change.
The task associated with the change.
The type of the changed object.
The type of the changed object stored in a transported task.
The name of the changed object.
The owner of the task associated with the changed object.
This column is set to ‘R’ if the task was released from the specified system; in this case, the first three letters of the task name match the system ID. It is set to ‘I’ if the transport was imported into the specified system; in this case the first three letters of the task name do not match the system ID.
The description for the task.
Analysis Input Data
This Excel report contains a copy of the input parameters used to produce the app’s Dashboard report. The value of each input parameter is stored in a separate worksheet, which is named after the parameter whose value it contains.