Integrate Test Frameworks and Schedule Execution With Universal Agent

Follow these instructions to learn how to integrate, schedule and execute your test project with Universal Agent

# Test Framework Instructions
1 UFT Integrate UFT with Universal Agent
2 TestNG Integrate TestNG with Universal Agent
3 Cucumber  Integrate Cucumber with Universal Agent
4 JBehave Integrate JBehave with Universal Agent
5 JUnit  Integrate JUnit for Java with Universal Agent
6 Postman Integrate Postman with Universal Agent
7 NUnit (support .NET.Core) Integrate NUnit test with Universal Agent
8 MSTest.(support .NET.Core) Integrate MSTest with Universal Agent
9 (support .NET.Core) Integrate with Universal Agent
10 UnitTest (support .NET.Framework 4.5, Windows only) Integrate .NET UnitTest with Universal Agent
11 JMeter Integrate JMeter with Universal Agent