Columns for Modules

This chapter lists all relevant columns in the Details tab for a Module or a ModuleAttribute. There are additional columns that are not listed here; they contain background information related to automation.

By default, not all available columns are visible. You can add columns with the Column Chooser.

For information on columns for Bots or columns in the Results tab, see "Columns for Bots and Steps" and "Columns in the Results tab".

If you modify a Module, RPA Studio automatically updates all Steps that you created from this Module. It also applies the same specifications to all Steps that you create from the Module in the future.


Name of the selected Module.


For scanned Modules, this column displays a screenshot of the application that you scanned.

Image column


If you have scanned a control that has a value range, for instance a drop-down menu, this column displays the existing value range.

When you later fill out your Step Values, you can choose one of the given values from the Value drop-down menu.

Drop-down menu in your application -> Module: ValueRange -> Bot Step: Value drop-down menu

You can also manually add or change a value range. Separate multiple values with semicolons, e.g. {Click};{Doubleclick}.

Add or change the value range of a ModuleAttribute either in the ValueRange column or in the ModuleAttribute property ValueRange.


Specifies how often you can steer the same control within the same Step:

  • 0-1: Don't use the control, or use it once, at maximum. This is the default value.

  • 1: Use the control once.

  • 0-n: Don't use the control, or use the same control any number of times.

  • 1-n: Use the same control any number of times, but at least once (see "Use controls repeatedly").

You can change the value either in the Cardinality column or in the ModuleAttribute property Cardinality.

DefaultValue, DefaultActionmode, Default DataType

In your Bot Steps, the columns Value, ActionMode, and DataType tell the Bot what to do.

You can define default values for them in the Module columns DefaultValue, DefaultActionmode, and Default DataType.

For instance, if you plan to only write numbers to a particular text box in your application, you can set the Default DataType to Numeric. In this case, you don't have to manually change the DataType in every Step that you create from this Module.

You can change the value either in the columns or in the respective ModuleAttribute properties.


You can enter a description of your Module or ModuleAttribute via the Module or ModuleAttribute property Description. The Description column displays this description.

The Modules of the RPA subset already contain a short description of what the Module does.


In scanned Modules, this column displays the name of the browser tab or application window.


Displays the TBox version that RPA Studio used to create this Module.

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Tricentis RPA Studio Manual 2020.2 © Tricentis GmbH