Install Tricentis License Server via command prompt

To install your license server without any user interaction (unattended installation), follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the file Tricentis License Server<version number>.msi to a folder of your choice.

    Tricentis License Server and Tricentis License Usage Tracking require Java 8 or 11. Ensure that Oracle Java Runtime Environment or OpenJDK (64-bit) version 8 or 11 is installed and the system variable JAVA_HOME is set correctly.

    Tricentis License Usage Reporting does not require Java and you can proceed with the installation, if you want to install Tricentis License Usage Reporting only.

  1. Open a command prompt and browse to the folder that contains the file Tricentis License Server<version number>.msi.

  2. Enter the following command line:

    msiexec /passive /l <logfile name> /i "Tricentis License Server<version number>.msi" LIC_USERNAME=<username> LIC_PASSWORD=<password>

    • Replace <logfile name> with the name you wish to set for your log file.

    • Replace <username> and <password> with your username and password.

The command above installs the Tricentis License Server together with Tricentis License Usage Tracking.

If you want to install the server without usage tracking, add the parameter ADDLOCAL=LicenseServer to the end of the command.

Specify installation parameters

The following parameters are mandatory:




Specifies the name of the administrator user that is created during the installation process.

You cannot use the username admin. This name is reserved for the default administration user.


Specifies the password of the new administrator user. The password must meet the following requirements:

  • At least 8 characters (with a maximum of 64)

  • At least one digit

  • At least one upper-case character

  • At least one lower-case character

  • At least one special character

  • No white space

For a list of supported special characters, see this Knowledge Base article.

Optionally, you can also specify additional installation parameters. To do so, add them to the end of the command line. Specify the value as follows: <parameter name>=<parameter value>.

If the parameter value contains any spaces, wrap it in double quotation marks. For example, LUS_DBPATH="D:\License Usage Tracking Data Storage\".

The following optional parameters are available:




Defines a timeout for each installation step. If the installation step is not successful within this time frame, the system rolls it back.

By default, the timeout is 300000 milliseconds, i.e. 5 minutes. If you, for example, want to set a timeout of 6 minutes, add the parameter timeout=360000.


Specifies the installation directory for the Tricentis License Server.

The default directory is C:\Program Files\TRICENTIS\Tricentis License Server. If you specify a different directory, the system creates the folder Tricentis License Server in this directory.


Specifies whether to install the license server in online or offline mode, i.e. whether the server will be connected to the internet or not. Possible values are:



By default, the license server is installed in online mode.


Specifies the port for the license server instance.

By default, the port is 7070.


Specifies the directory where you want to save the Trusted Storage. The path to this directory must not contain empty spaces.

By default, the path is C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\flexnetls.


Specifies the port to connect to the Tricentis License Usage Tracking database.

By default, the port is 9200.


Specifies the directory where you want to save the Tricentis License Usage Tracking database and its configuration files.

By default, the path is C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\TRICENTIS\TricentisLicenseUsageStatistics.


The maximum allowed data age in days. The database deletes all data that is older than the specified value.

By default, this setting is deactivated (value: 0). You can specify any positive integer.


By default, the Tricentis License Server sets and uses the environment variable ES_JAVA_HOME. We recommend that you leave the default behavior as it is; Elasticsearch suggests to use this Java environment variable.

If you don't want to set and use the variable, enter LUS_SETESJAVAHOME=0.


Specifies which feature to install. Possible feature names are:

  • LicenseServer

  • LicenseUsageTracking

  • LicenseUsageReporting

By default, all features (Tricentis License Server, Tricentis License Usage Tracking, Tricentis License Usage Reporting) are installed.

If you, for example, want to install the Tricentis License Server and Tricentis License Usage Tracking only, add the parameter ADDLOCAL=LicenseServer,LicenseUsageTracking.

Example: msiexec /qn /i "Tricentis License Server<version number>.msi" LIC_USERNAME=<username> LIC_PASSWORD=<password> LIC_ServerMode=Offline /l setup.log ADDLOCAL=LicenseServer,LicenseUsageTracking