If you have LiveCompare Administrator privileges, subfolders of the Administration/Configuration folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy allow you to set various registry values on the LiveCompare server to control the application’s behavior.
Select a folder underneath Configuration to display the appropriate screen in the Details pane. Alternatively, select the Configuration folder and use the links in the Details pane to access each screen.
Configuration - Logging
This screen allows you to switch on debug logging, browse, export or purge log files, and specify the number of days for which log files will be retained.
Configuration - Security
This screen allows you to restrict a number of operations to users with Administrator privileges. It includes settings to configure LiveCompare for single sign-on, and allows you to control how LDAP users are assigned to resource groups.
Configuration - Email
This screen allows LiveCompare to send be configured to send emails. These settings are used by the apps user interface to send notifications and share app results, by the Send Email action to send emails from workflows, and by Administrator accounts to send emails to all users.
Complete the screen fields as follows. It is recommended that the email settings in this screen are specified for all installations of LiveCompare. Check with your Email Administrator to determine the correct values to use.
Field | Description |
DisableAppNotifications | Set this field to ‘X’ to prevent LiveCompare from sending an email when an app run completes (with either success or failure). If this field is blank, a notification email will be sent to each user who runs an app. |
EmailFromAddress |
The email address to be used by LiveCompare when sending emails from the apps user interface. This setting is used by the Test Email feature described below, however it is not used by the Send Email action, for which the ‘From’ address must be specified separately. An Email Administrator must configure the email server to allow the EmailFromAddress to send emails using an external program. |
OptOutTelemetry | Set this field to ‘X’ to opt out of sending anonymous usage data to Tricentis. We encourage every customer to share this data as it helps us improve our product and support services. |
SMTPConfiguration | Enter an email address for the recipient of the Developer Impact Analysis report. If more than one recipient is required, please set up an email group or alias. |
SMTPDevelopment | The email address for the recipient of the Configurator Impact Analysis report. If more than one recipient is required, please set up an email group or alias. |
SMTPIgnoreSSLCertificateErrors | Set this field to ‘X’ to have LiveCompare ignore SSL certificate errors when sending emails. This setting should be used with caution. |
SMTPPassword | The password LiveCompare will use to authenticate with the SMTP server when sending emails. Leave this field blank if no user-based authentication is required. The field value is masked as you type it, and is never displayed in the LiveCompare user interface. Note that if a password is required, you must enter it every time you change the email configuration settings. |
SMTPPort | The port on the SMTP server that LiveCompare will use to send emails. Leave this field blank to use the default value of 25. |
SMTPSecurity | The email address for the recipient of the Security Impact Analysis report. If more than one recipient is required, please set up an email group or alias. |
SMTPServer | The hostname or IP address of the SMTP server that LiveCompare will use to send emails. If more than one recipient is required, please set up an email group or alias. |
SMTPUsage | The email address for the recipient of the LiveCompare usage report. |
SMTPUsername | The username LiveCompare will use to authenticate with the SMTP server when sending emails. The email server must be configured to allow this account to send emails using an external program. Please check with your network administrator to determine the appropriate settings. |
SMTPUseSSL | If this field is set to "X", LiveCompare will attempt to connect to the SMTP server using SSL. |
SMTPUseSTARTTLS | Set this field to ‘X’ to have LiveCompare try to use STARTTLS to encrypt the exchange with the mail server. Use this setting only if your mail server supports STARTTLS. |
To send a test email using the currently saved configuration settings, complete the fields in the Test Email panel in the lower part of the screen and click ‘Send’. Note that the ‘Send’ button will be disabled if any of the email configuration settings have been changed but not saved.
When the email has been sent, a confirmation message is displayed, and you are returned to the Configuration - Email screen. The field values in the Test Email panel are saved.
Configuration - General
This screen displays the location of the LiveCompare User Data directory, and includes a number of general settings relating to the execution of workflows. It also allows the location of the Graphviz integration library to be specified.
The FioriLaunchpadFioriIdFieldNames and FioriLaunchpadSearchTermFieldNames settings determine how Fiori Launchpad data downloaded from the SAP /UI2/FLPCA transaction will be interpreted by LiveCompare. The WebProxy… settings allow LiveCompare to use a web proxy to connect to Azure DevOps, qTest, SAP Solution Manager or Tosca.
Specifies the possible column names in the /UI2/FLPCA export that contains the Fiori Application Id. Multiple columns may be specified by separating each column name with a ';'. If blank, LiveCompare will use its default setting.
Default Setting: Application Ressource (note that the spelling of ‘Resource’ is intentional as it matches the output from SAP).
Specifies the /UI2/FLPCA columns that LiveCompare will use as search terms when converting SAP objects to test search terms. Multiple columns may be specified by separating each column name with a ';'. If blank, LiveCompare will use its default setting.
Default Setting: Catalog Title; Tile Title; Tile Subtitle; Tile Keywords
Web proxy settings
To allow LiveCompare to use a web proxy to connect to Azure DevOps, qTest, SAP Solution Manager or Tosca, complete the WebProxy… fields as follows:
Field | What to do |
WebProxyAddress | Enter the address of a web proxy that LiveCompare should connect through to access Azure DevOps, qTest SAP Solution Manager or Tosca. |
WebProxyDomain | Enter the domain of the account to use when authenticating with the web proxy, if required. |
WebProxyPassword | If authentication is required, enter the password of the account to use when authenticating with the web proxy. |
WebProxyUsername | If authentication is required, enter the username of the account to use when authenticating with the web proxy. |
Configuration - Reports
This screen includes settings relating to the generation of LiveCompare reports. Here you may set the base URL for generated reports, control the purging of reports and workflow data, and specify a number of other report configuration settings.
Configuration - Table Contents
This screen includes settings relating to the retrieval and display of SAP table data.
Configuration - RFC Calls
This screen includes settings relating to the retrieval of SAP data using remote function calls. By default, the RFC Trace directory is set to <userdata dir>\Public\Logs.
Configuration - Report Branding
This screen allows you to specify the image file to be used in reports.
Configuration - Impact Analysis
This screen allows you to set the object types that will be reported as used, impacted and most-at-risk by the Smart Impact app and some of the Impact Analysis templates. If no object types are selected, LiveCompare assumes that all the object types are selected.
The screen also allows you to set the depth to be used by the Smart Impact app and by some Impact Analysis templates when searching for referenced objects. You may also specify whether table content changes are to be excluded from the changing objects that are analyzed.
Changes made in this screen affect all subsequent runs of the Smart Impact app and Smart Impact Analysis workflow, but they do not affect any existing app or workflow results.
Configuration - Test Repository
These settings control the behavior of the Search Test Repository and Create Test Requirements actions.
The MinimumSearchTermLength setting is used by the Search Test Repository action to ignore search terms that are shorter than the specified length when searching for matching test assets. If this field is not set, all search terms are used regardless of their length.
These settings control the behavior of the Search Test Repository action when searching Tosca Test Repositories, and the Create Test Requirements action when creating requirements.
These settings control the behavior of the Search Test Repository action when searching ALM Test Repositories, and the Create Test Requirements action when creating requirements.