Interactive testers

The Interactive Testers pane provides information about the interactive testers and their assigned TestCases.

Interactive Testers pane

Tester name

This column shows the names of the invited testers. When you add a new tester you can define their name either manually, or select a tester name from the fuzzy-search list.

For detailed information on how to add testers to a session, see chapter "Add testers to a session".

Tester Email

In this section, you can specify the tester's e-mail address.

An e-mail icon next to the tester name indicates the invite status of the tester (see chapter "Invite new testers").



The tester has a specified e-mail address that the test manager can use to send invites.

The test manager sent an interactive test session invite to the tester.


The tester has no specified e-mail address.

The test manager must send an update on session changes to the marked testers. You can find further details in the tooltip on the Share & Invite tab.