Inform existing testers

In case of changes to an Interactive Test session, the test manager must synchronize the session data and send an update to already invited testers .

The test manager must send updates if he performs any of the following actions:

Inform testers about a session update

To inform testers about session updates, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Interactive Testers pane, select the testers that you want to inform. Affected testers are marked with a icon, which denotes that the TestCases of the tester have been changed, and the test manager must notify the tester about the changes.

    To select multiple testers, hold CTRL or SHIFT.

  2. Switch to the Share & Invite tab, which is highlighted with yellow color in case of session changes.

Share & Invite tab highlighted

  1. In the Share & Invite tab, click on Invite selected.

    Tosca Commander verifies and warns if you have to check in all required session data. Share and invite function automatically uploads session data to the server.

  2. Tosca Commander sends an email from your standard email program to the tester.