Get Administration Objects actions

Get Administration Objects actions retrieve details for objects stored in the LiveCompare Administration hierarchy. The results are stored in a Table dataset. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only details for objects in the currently selected resource group are retrieved.

Action property Description
Object Type A String parameter specifying the type of administration object to retrieve.
Result A Table dataset that stores the details for the specified administration object.

The Object Type parameter may be set to any of the following values:

Object type Description
App Retrieves details for apps.
DUA Retrieves details for DUA (Daily Usage Audit) data retrieved for RFC Destinations, excluding the Learning-DEV, Learning-PHD and Learning-QAS RFC Destinations used by the Smart Impact Learning app. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only DUA data details for RFC Destinations in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
ExternalDataSource Retrieves details for External Data Sources. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only details for External Data Sources in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
IMG Retrieves details for the IMG data associated with RFC Destinations.
License Retrieves details for the license on the LiveCompare server.
Lux Retrieves details for LUXes.
OLC Retrieves details for object links cache databases associated with RFC Destinations, excluding the Learning-DEV, Learning-PHD and Learning-QAS RFC Destinations used by the Smart Impact Learning app. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only object links cache database details for RFC Destinations in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
PHD Retrieves details for performance history data retrieved for RFC Destinations, excluding the Learning-DEV, Learning-PHD and Learning-QAS RFC Destinations used by the Smart Impact Learning app. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only performance history data details for RFC Destinations in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
Pipeline Retrieves details for Pipelines. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only details for Pipelines in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
ProcessRun Retrieves details for Process Runs. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only details for Process Runs in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
RFCDestination Retrieves details for RFC Destinations, excluding the Learning-DEV, Learning-PHD and Learning-QAS RFC Destinations used by the Smart Impact Learning app. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only RFC Destinations in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
RunLog Retrieves details for workflows run as apps, workflows run in the LiveCompare Studio, and workflows run as Web Services.
SC_MON Retrieves details for ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data retrieved for RFC Destinations, excluding the Learning-DEV, Learning-PHD and Learning-QAS RFC Destinations used by the Smart Impact Learning app. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) details for RFC Destinations in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
SDD Retrieves details for short dump data retrieved for RFC Destinations, excluding the Learning-DEV, Learning-PHD and Learning-QAS RFC Destinations used by the Smart Impact Learning app. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only short dump data details for RFC Destinations in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
TablesToIgnore Retrieves each RFC Destination’s tables to ignore list (resource group membership is not taken into account).
TestRepository Retrieves details for Test Repositories. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only details for Test Repositories in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
ThisProcessRun Retrieves details for the current workflow, including details on how it was executed.
UPL Retrieves details for the UPL data retrieved for RFC Destinations, excluding the Learning-DEV, Learning-PHD and Learning-QAS RFC Destinations used by the Smart Impact Learning app. If LiveCompare is resource group-controlled, only UPL data details for RFC Destinations in the user’s current resource group are retrieved.
UserAgent Retrieves details for the User Agents associated with each of the LiveCompare user accounts. Each User Agent string stores details of the user’s client environment.
UserData Retrieves the amount of disk space used in the LiveCompare userdata directory.
Vault Retrieves details for Vaults.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘App’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
AppId An internal identifier for the app.
AppName The name of the app.
Description The description for the app.
Image The filename of the app’s associated image.
Rating Not used.
Params An XML string defining the app’s input and output parameters.
Help An XML string containing the YouTube URLs associated with the app.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘DUA’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Rfc The RFC Destination for which DUA data was downloaded.
DuaAppArch The number of rows of archived Application Statistics retrieved.
DuaAppRaw The number of rows of raw Application Statistics retrieved.
DuaAppSum The number of rows of summarized Application Statistics retrieved, grouped by object type, object name and account.
DuaUserArch The number of rows of archived User Statistics retrieved.
DuaUserRaw The number of rows of raw User Statistics retrieved.
DuaUserSum The number of rows of summarized Users Statistics retrieved, grouped by object type, object name and account.
LAST_TIME_RUN The date and time when DUA data was last retrieved for this RFC Destination.
MONTHS For scheduled collections of DUA data, this column is set to the number of months of short dump data to retrieve, specified in the RFC Destination’s DUA tab.
SCHEDULE_MONTHS For scheduled collections of DUA data, this column is set to the number of months of short dump data to retrieve, specified in the RFC Destination’s DUA tab.
SCHEDULE_ON This column is set to ‘true’ if a schedule has been set for the collection of DUA data.
SCHEDULE_RUNTIME For scheduled collections of DUA data, this column is set to the scheduled start time for the collection.
START_DATE The start date for the retrieval of DUA data, in the format YYYYMMDD.
STATUS The DUA data’s download status.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘ExternalDataSource’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Path The path to the External Data Source in the External Data Sources hierarchy.
Name The name of the External Data Source.
Type The type of the External Data Source.
Description The description for the External Data Source.
TableName The table name, Excel spreadsheet or CSV file used by the External Data Source.
ConnectionString The connection string used to connect to the External Data Source.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘IMG’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Rfc The RFC Destination for which the IMG was downloaded. The [Default] value refers to the default ECC 6.0 IMG which is included with LiveCompare.
User The name of the LiveCompare user who downloaded the IMG.
Status The IMG’s download status, either ‘Done’ or ‘Downloading’.
Time The date and time when the IMG was downloaded.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘License’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Company Name The name of your company, or ‘Provisional License’ if you are using a provisional license.
Tier The tier of the installed license, either ‘Essential’, ‘Professional’ or ‘Enterprise’.
Status The license status, shown in the apps interface’s License screen or the studio interface’s License Status screen for users with Administrator privileges.
DaysLeft The number of days for which the license is valid.
SiteId The LiveCompare Site ID, shown in the apps interface’s License screen or the studio interface’s License Status screen for users with Administrator privileges.
ExpirationDate The expiration date for the license, shown in the apps interface’s License screen or the studio interface’s License Status screen for users with Administrator privileges.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘Lux’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of a LUX.
datestamp The date and time when the LUX was uploaded.
giud The LUX’s globally unique identifier.
filename The ZIP file from which the LUX was created.
organization The organization specified when the LUX was uploaded.
contact_email The contact email specified when the LUX was uploaded.
tobe_kernel The To-Be kernel release specified when the LUX was uploaded.
tobe_other The ‘Other’ To-Be release specified when the LUX was uploaded.
description The description specified when the LUX was uploaded.
RFCPROTO The RFC protocol version for the SAP system from which the LUX was created.
RFCCHARTYPE Character set.
RFCINTTYP Integer format, either Big or Little Endian.
RFCFLOTYP Floating point format (1=IEEE, 2=IBM/370 format).
RFCDEST Logical RFC Destination.
RFCHOST SAP host name.
RFCDATABS Database version.
RFCDBHOST Database host name.
RFCDBSYS Database system.
RFCMACH Machine version.
RFCOPSYS Operating system.
RFCTZONE Time zone.
RFCDAYST Daylight savings time indicator.
RFCIPADDR SAP system IP address.
RFCKERNRL SAP kernel release.
RFCHOST2 The RFCSI1 structure’s RFCHOST2 field.
RFCSI_RESV The RFCSI1 structure’s RFCSI_RESV field.
RFCIPV6ADDR SAP system IP version 6 address.
CREATED_BY The SAP user who download the LUX files.
CREATED_DT The date when the LUX files were downloaded from the SAP server.
CREATED_TM The time when the LUX files were downloaded from the SAP server.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘OLC’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of an RFC Destination that has an object links cache database.
START_TIME The start time for the creation of the object links cache database, in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.
END_TIME The end time for the creation of the object links cache database, in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS. This field is blank if the object links cache database is still being created.
Status The status of the object links cache database, either ‘OK’ or ‘Incomplete’.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘PHD’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Rfc The RFC Destination from which performance history data was obtained. If performance history data was obtained from an External Data Source, this column stores the associated RFC Destination.
AppArch The number of rows of archived Application Statistics retrieved.
AppRaw The number of rows of raw Application Statistics retrieved.
AppSum The number of rows of summarized Application Statistics retrieved, grouped by object type, object name and account.
LAST_TIME_RUN The date and time when performance history data was last retrieved for this RFC Destination.
NUM_PERIODS The number of months of performance history data to retrieve, specified in the RFC Destination’s PHD tab.
PERIOD For scheduled collections of performance history data, this column is set to ‘Monthly’.
PERIODINFO For scheduled collections of performance history data, this column is set to the day of the month on which performance history data is to be collected.
RUNTIME For scheduled collections of performance history data, this column is set to the scheduled start time for the collection.
SCHEDULED This column is set to ‘true’ if a schedule has been set for the collection of performance history data.
SOURCE The source for the RFC Destination’s performance history data. Either PHD (LiveCompare RFC), RFC (SAP Native RFC) or XDS (External Data Source).
STATUS The performance history data’s download status.
UserArch The number of rows of archived Users Statistics retrieved.
UserRaw The number of rows of raw Users Statistics retrieved.
UserSum The number of rows of summarized Users Statistics retrieved, grouped by object type, object name and account.
XDSNAME If the SOURCE column is set to XDS, this column stores the name of the External Data Source from which performance history data was obtained.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘Pipeline’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Path The path to the Pipeline in the Pipelines hierarchy.
Name The name of the Pipeline.
Description The description for the Pipeline.
AnalysisSystem The Pipeline’s Analysis System.
ComparisonSystem The Pipeline’s Comparison System.
UsageSystem The Pipeline’s Usage System.
SolutionManagerSystem The Pipeline’s Solution Manager System.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘ProcessRun’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Workspace The name of the workspace containing the workflow or workflow action.
Workflow The name of the workflow.
Status The execution status of the workflow or workflow action. See the Process Runs help topic for details.
UserName The name of the user executing the workflow or workflow action.
ProjectName This column is not used.
RunId An internal identifier for the execution.
RunOrigin This column indicates where the current workflow was run from. It is set to ‘App’ if the workflow was run from an app, to ‘Studio’ if the workflow was run from the Studio interface, to ‘WebService’ if the workflow was run from a Web Service, or to ‘Scheduler’ if the workflow was scheduled.
TimeBegin The start time for the execution.
TimeRequest For workflows that were executed as apps, this column is set to the time when the app requested the execution of the workflow, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
TimeEnd The end time for the execution.
ElapsedTime The elapsed time for the workflow execution, in the format HH:MM:SS.
RunInfo Result statistics for the execution. For completed executions, this column indicates the number of actions that were run.
ScheduledDate For scheduled workflows, the date and time when the schedule was created, in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.
ScheduledUserName For scheduled workflows, the name of the user who scheduled the workflow.
ScheduledProjectName This column is not used.
ScheduledStatus This column is set to ‘Scheduled’ if the workflow has been scheduled.
ScheduledEnabled This column is set to ‘X’ if a workflow’s schedule is enabled.
ScheduledCmdArgs The command arguments for scheduled workflows.
Period The period of execution for a scheduled workflow.
PeriodInfo The days of the week or the day of the month on which the workflow is scheduled to run.
RunDate The date when the workflow was last run, in the format YYYYMMDD.
RunTime The time when the workflow was last run, in the format HHMMSS.
Interval The repeat interval for the schedule (in minutes).
Duration The duration for which the repeat schedule will run (in minutes).
NextRunTime The next run time for a scheduled workflow.
LastRunTime The last run time for a scheduled workflow.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘RfcDestination’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Path The path to the RFC Destination in the RFC Destinations hierarchy.
Name The name of the RFC Destination.
Description The description for the RFC Destination.
Sysid The system ID of the SAP Application Server or Message Server.
Ashost The DNS name, domain name or IP address of the SAP Application Server or Message Server.
Instance_Number The application instance number of the SAP system.
Client The SAP client.
Language The SAP logon language.
UserID The SAP user ID used for this connection.
RFC_Log_Version The RFC log version for the system.
Character_Set The SAP name or number for the system’s character set.
Endian_Format The Endian format used for integer types. BIG refers to Big Endian, LIT refers to Little Endian.
Floating_Point_Type The floating point type used. IE3 refers to IEEE or IBM/370.
Logical_Destination A concatenation of the system’s hostname, system ID and system number.
Hostname The SAP hostname.
SAP_System_ID The SAP system ID.
Database_System_ID The database system ID.
Database_Hostname The database hostname.
Database_System The SAP database system, for example, Oracle, MSSQL.
SAP_Release The SAP release number.
Machine_ID The SAP machine ID.
Operating_System The SAP operating system, for example, Windows, SunOS.
Timezone The difference from Universal Coordinated Time in seconds.
Daylight_Saving_Time X indicates that Daylight Saving Time is active.
IP_Address The system’s IP address.
Kernel_Release The system’s SAP kernel release.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘RunLog’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
PrId An internal identifier for the workflow’s Process Run.
Workspace The workspace containing the workflow that was executed.
Workflow The workflow that was executed.
RunOrigin This column is set to APP for workflows that were executed as apps, or WEBSERVICE for workflows that were executed as Web Services. The column is left blank for workflows that were run in the LiveCompare Studio.
CmdArgs For workflows that were executed as apps or Web Services, this column contains the command arguments that were used to run the workflow.
UserName The name of the user who executed the workflow. This column is set to ‘Internal Server User’ for workflows that were executed as Web Services.
ProjectName The name of the resource group in which the workflow was executed.
Status The execution status for the workflow. This column is set to ‘Success’ for workflows that completed successfully, ‘ErrorTermination’ for workflows that terminated with an error, or ‘Aborted’ for workflows that were aborted.
TimeRequest For workflows that were executed as apps, this column is set to the time when the app requested the execution of the workflow, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
TimeBegin The start time for the workflow execution, in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.
TimeEnd The end time for the workflow execution, in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.
ElapsedTime The elapsed time for the workflow execution, in the format HH:MM:SS.
ResultsStats For workflows that completed successfully, this column indicates the number of workflow actions that were run. For workflows that terminated with an error, the column displays the error message.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘RunLog’, the following columns are completed for workflows that were executed as apps:

Column Description
AppId An internal identifier for the app.
AppName The app’s name.
VariantId An internal identifier for the variant that was run.
VariantName The name of the variant.
AppResult An XML representation of the value assigned to the app’s output parameter.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘SC_MON’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Rfc The name of an RFC Destination for which ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data has been retrieved.
LAST_TIME_RUN The date and time when ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data was last retrieved for this RFC Destination, in the format DD/MM/YY at HH:MM:SS.
MONTHS For scheduled collections of ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data, this column is set to the number of months of short dump data to retrieve, specified in the RFC Destination’s SC_MON tab.
SCHEDULE_MONTHS For scheduled collections of ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data, this column is set to the number of months of short dump data to retrieve, specified in the RFC Destination’s SC_MON tab.
SCHEDULE_ON This column is set to ‘true’ if a schedule has been set for the collection of ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data.
SCHEDULE_RUNTIME For scheduled collections of ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data, this column is set to the scheduled start time for the collection.
START_DATE The start date for the retrieval of ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data, in the format YYYYMMDD.
STATUS The ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data’s download status.
ScmRaw The number of rows of raw ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data retrieved.

The number of rows of summarized ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) data retrieved.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘SDD’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Rfc The name of an RFC Destination for which short dump data has been retrieved.
LAST_TIME_RUN The date and time when short dump data was last retrieved for this RFC Destination, in the format DD/MM/YY at HH:MM:SS.
MONTHS For scheduled collections of short dump data, this column is set to the number of months of short dump data to retrieve, specified in the RFC Destination’s SDD tab.
SCHEDULE_MONTHS For scheduled collections of short dump data, this column is set to the number of months of short dump data to retrieve, specified in the RFC Destination’s SDD tab.
SCHEDULE_ON This column is set to ‘true’ if a schedule has been set for the collection of short dump data.
SCHEDULE_RUNTIME For scheduled collections of short dump data, this column is set to the scheduled start time for the collection.
START_DATE The start date for the retrieval of short dump data, in the format YYYYMMDD.
STATUS The short dump data’s download status.
SddDetails The number of rows of short dump data details retrieved.
SddHeader The number of rows of short dump data header details retrieved.
SddTokens The number of rows of short dump data token data retrieved.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘TablesToIgnore’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
RFC The name of an RFC Destination.
NAME The name of a table to ignore.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘TestRepository’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the Test Repository.
Description The description for the Test Repository.
Type The type of the Test Repository.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘ThisProcessRun’, the Get Administration Objects action returns information about the current workflow, including details on where the workflow was run from. The Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Workspace The name of the workspace containing the current workflow.
Workflow The name of the current workflow.
Status The execution status of the workflow or workflow action. See the Process Runs help topic for details. This column is set to ‘Running’.
UserName The name of the user executing the workflow or Get Administration Objects action.
RunId An internal identifier for the execution.
RunOrigin This column indicates where the current workflow was run from. It is set to ‘App’ if the workflow was run from an app, to ‘Studio’ if the workflow was run from the Studio interface, to ‘WebService’ if the workflow was run from a Web Service, or to ‘Scheduler’ if the workflow was scheduled.
TimeBegin The start time for the execution.
TimeEnd The end time for the execution. This column is blank.
RunInfo Result statistics for the execution. For completed executions, this column indicates the number of actions that were run. This column is blank.
ScheduledDate For scheduled workflows, the date and time when the schedule was created, in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.
Period The period of execution for a scheduled workflow.
PeriodInfo The days of the week or the day of the month on which the workflow is scheduled to run.
RunDate The date when the workflow was last run, in the format YYYYMMDD.
RunTime The time when the workflow was last run, in the format HHMMSS.
Interval The repeat interval for the schedule (in minutes).
Duration The duration for which the repeat schedule will run (in minutes).
NextRunTime The next run time for a scheduled workflow.
LastRunTime The last run time for a scheduled workflow.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘UPL’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Rfc The name of an RFC Destination for which UPL data has been retrieved.
LAST_TIME_RUN The date and time when UPL data was last retrieved for this RFC Destination, in the format DD/MM/YY at HH:MM:SS.
MONTHS The number of months of UPL data to retrieve, specified in the RFC Destination’s UPL tab.
SCHEDULE_MONTHS For scheduled collections of UPL data, this column is set to the number of months of short dump data to retrieve, specified in the RFC Destination’s UPL tab.
SCHEDULE_ON This column is set to ‘true’ if a schedule has been set for the collection of short dump data.
SCHEDULE_RUNTIME For scheduled collections of UPL data this column is set to the scheduled start time for the collection.
START_DATE The start date for the retrieval of UPL data, in the format YYYYMMDD.
STATUS The UPL data’s download status.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘UserAgent’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
User The name of a LiveCompare user.
Time The date and time when the user logged in to LiveCompare.
Timestamp The date and time when the user logged into LiveCompare, in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.
UserAgent The User Agent string obtained from the user’s client machine.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘UserData’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Size The size (in bytes) of the userdata folder listed in the Path column.
HumanSize The size of the userdata folder listed in the Path column in a readable format.
Category The category of the userdata folder.
Path The path to the userdata folder on the LiveCompare server.

The Category column may contain the following values:

Category Description
public Refers to the <userdata dir>\public directory on the LiveCompare server.
reports Refers to the <userdata dir>\public\reports directory on the LiveCompare server, or to its subfolders that store individual reports.
apps Refers to the <userdata dir>\public\apps directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores app definitions.
externaldatafiles Refers to the <userdata dir>\public\externaldatafiles directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores the files used by LiveCompare External Data Sources.
logs Refers to the <userdata dir>\public\logs directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores LiveCompare’s debug log files.
wsdl Refers to the <userdata dir>\public\wsdl directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores the definitions for workflows registered as Web Services.
rest Refers to the <userdata dir>\public\rest directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores the definitions for workflows registered as REST APIs.
transfer Refers to the <userdata dir>\public\transfer directory on the LiveCompare server.
docs Refers to the <userdata dir>\public\docs directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores user documentation uploaded from the Administration page.
dumps Refers to the <userdata dir>\public\docs directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores LiveCompare’s crash dump files.
private Refers to the <userdata dir>\private directory on the LiveCompare server.
workspaces Refers to the <userdata dir>\private\workspaces directory on the LiveCompare server, or to its subfolders that store individual workspaces.
img Refers to the <userdata dir>\private\temp directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores data downloaded in each RFC Destination’s IMG tab.
perfhist Refers to the <userdata dir>\private\perfhist directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores data downloaded in each RFC Destination’s PHD, UPL, SDD, DUA and SC_MON tabs.
temp Refers to the <userdata dir>\private\temp directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores temporary data files used by LiveCompare.
cache Refers to the <userdata dir>\private\temp directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores data used by LiveCompare web services.
impact Refers to the <userdata dir>\private\impact directory on the LiveCompare server, or to its subfolders that store object links cache databases for individual RFC Destinations.
rscripts Refers to the <userdata dir>\private\rscripts directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory is not used.
vault Refers to the <userdata dir>\private\vault directory on the LiveCompare server. This directory stores LiveCompare Vaults.
workflow library Refers to the <userdata dir>\private\workflow library directory on the LiveCompare server, or to its subfolders that store individual workflow library folders.

If the Object Type parameter is set to ‘Vault’, the Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Path The path to the Vault in the Vaults hierarchy.
Name The name of the Vault.
Description The description for the Vault.


Get Administration Objects action example.

To create a workflow that accesses each RFC Destination in turn, carry out the following steps:

  • Use the Get Administration Objects action to retrieve RFC Destinations into a Table dataset named ‘Result’.
  • Use the Start Loop Collect action to read each of the Result rows into a Table dataset named ‘Result Row’.
  • Use the Extract Fields action to extract the NAME field from the ‘Result Row’ dataset into a String dataset named ‘RFC Destination Name’.
  • Use the Convert Data action to convert the ‘RFC Destination Name’ String dataset into an RFC Destination dataset named ‘RFC Destination’.
  • Use the RFC Destination to read data into a Table dataset, then complete the workflow by adding an End Loop Collect action.

To examine the details for a Get Administration Objects action, double-click the action node, or select ‘View Details’ from the node’s context menu. The Details screen displays the number of rows written to the Result table and the time taken for the action to complete.